Monday, March 14, 2016

Browning Avenue in the fall

I saw this tree on my morning walk this past fall.  It struck me with it's beautiful leaves not long into the process of turning color. I love this. 

I put the photo of this tree in my "things to paint" folder and came across it the other day. Leaves are my nemesis so I was proud (and brave) to give this painting a try. 

8x10 oil on gessobord

From the hedgerow, lawn and wooded hill departs the summer's chlorophyll; the elms and hickories lose their green and glow instead with carotene, while sumacs, maples redden in a burst of anthocyanin, and Time is moved to tell it's clients, the reason why in terms of science.  ~ From the October 20,1941 issue of Time. 

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